▷ Find the right digital funding program
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Digital support programs for your transformation

We support you in the implementation of your digital projects. Whether it's the digitalization of products, services or business processes - we help you to find suitable digital funding programs that financially support your digital projects. Discover your options now and take the next step towards your digital future.

Attractive digitization programs

Germany offers a variety of digitalization programmes that are specifically designed to support the digitalization of companies. These programs provide financial grants and offer valuable consulting services to successfully shape the digital transformation. These grants provide significant support, particularly for companies that want to optimize their business processes, implement innovative technologies or modernize their IT infrastructure.

On this page, we present the most important digital funding programs that may be of interest to you. Our dedicated team of experts will be happy to provide you with comprehensive advice and find the right funding program for you.

ERP digitization and innovation loan

Logo of KfW
info icon Germany-wide
info icon Status: 06/2024
Monochrome map of Germany in cyan
The ERP digitization and innovation loan supports investments and working capital in these areas:
  • Innovative companies,
  • Digitization projects and new product developments,
  • Processes and services.

SMEs are eligible to apply.

  • min. € 25,000 per project,
  • max. € 25 million per innovation and digitalization project,
  • max. € 7.5 million per project of innovative companies.

Up to 100 % of the eligible costs are financed.

KMU-innovativ: Information and communication technologies

Logo of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
info icon Germany-wide
info icon Status: 06/2024
Monochrome map of Germany in cyan

The KMU-innovativ program supports SMEs that are active in the IT and communications sector (ICT) or want to expand and strengthen their business area through the use of ICT.

SMEs are eligible to apply.

Promotion of business consulting for SMEs

Logo of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection
info icon Germany-wide
info icon Status: 06/2024
Monochrome map of Germany in cyan

The funding programme can be used to claim the costs of a consultancy measure for SMEs on all economic, financial, personnel and organizational issues relating to company management.

SMEs are eligible to apply.

The subsidy is based on the maximum eligible consultancy costs and the location of the company:
  • New federal states: 80% subsidy rate (maximum subsidy € 2,800)
  • Old federal states: 50% subsidy rate (maximum subsidy € 2,800)

Baden-Württemberg innovation voucher

Coat of arms of Baden-Württemberg
info icon Baden-Württemberg
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of Baden-Württemberg coloured in cyan
The innovation voucher supports research and development activities in the context of the realization of digital products and services, such as
  • Solutions for the digital transformation of business models,
  • Networking of systems and processes,
  • smart services
  • or simulation models.

Companies with a maximum of 100 employees and a turnover/balance sheet total of € 20 million are eligible to apply.

In addition, companies with up to 250 employees and € 50 million turnover or € 43 million balance sheet total are eligible to apply if they implement their project with a start-up as an R&D service provider.

A total grant of up to €20,000 up to a maximum of 50% of the expenditure is possible.

Digitization Premium Plus

Logo of the Digitalisation Premium Economy Digital Baden-Württemberg
info icon Baden-Württemberg
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of Baden-Württemberg coloured in cyan

The Digitization Premium Plus supports projects for the digitization of production processes and products. The projects must lead to a new application in the company.

Newly founded companies, freelance professions and SMEs are eligible to apply.

  • Up to 100% of eligible costs.
  • Minimum gross loan amount: € 10,000, maximum loan € 5 million.
Term options:
  • 5 years, with 0/1 redemption-free year,
  • 7 years, with 0-2 redemption-free years,
  • 10 years, with 0, 1 / 2 grace years.

Innovation Voucher Bavaria

Logo of the Bayern Innovativ funding programme
info icon Bavaria
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of Bavaria coloured in cyan

The Innovation Voucher Bavaria supports small companies and craft businesses that are interested in collaborating with research institutions and other companies/innovation partners.

There are two variants:
  • Innovation Voucher Standard: Supports the planning, development and implementation of new products, production processes or services or the improvement of existing products or processes with a maximum of €30,000.
  • Special innovation voucher: Opens up the possibility of carrying out projects with increased financial requirements that require highly specialized support (e.g. university) with a maximum of €80,000.

Companies with a permanent establishment or branch in Bavaria, with fewer than 50 employees and a maximum annual turnover or annual balance sheet total of €10 million are eligible to apply.

Innovation Voucher Bavaria

Logo of the Investment Bank of the State of Brandenburg
info icon Brandenburg
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of Brandenburg coloured in cyan
The following digitalization projects can be funded with the Brandenburg Innovation Voucher:
  • Consulting projects to analyze operational procedures and processes for innovation potential to digitize the company,
  • Digitization projects
  • and training projects to qualify staff in connection with the implementation project.

SMEs, including the skilled trades, with their registered office or a permanent establishment in Brandenburg are eligible to apply.

A maximum funding rate of 50% is granted as an earmarked, non-repayable grant.

The amount and duration of the project is limited:
  • Consulting: 6 months implementation period and €50,000 grant
  • Implementation: 2 years implementation period and €250,000 grant
  • Training: 6 months to 2 years and €50,000 grant

Consulting support programme on digitalization and Work 4.0

Logo of the Bremen Bremerhaven advisory support programme 'Innovation by tradition'
info icon Bremen
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with Bremen and Bremerhaven coloured in cyan
The state of Bremen supports external consulting services on digitalization and work in the following areas with the consulting support programme :
  • Concept development and application examples for industry,
  • big data,
  • Development of digital business models,
  • Digital process consulting and process management,
  • Organizational development, change and project management,
  • cloud services and IT security concepts.

SMEs based in Bremen or Bremerhaven are eligible to apply.

The funding amounts to 50% of the eligible consulting costs, up to a maximum of €5,000.

DIGI subsidy

Logo of the Wirtschafts- und Infrastrukturbank Hessen
info icon Hesse
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of Hessen coloured in cyan

The DIGI grant supports companies in the digital transformation of their production and work processes and the improvement of IT security. The measures are intended to bring about progress in digitalization in the areas of production and processes, products and services or strategy and organization.

SMEs and professions with a permanent establishment in Hesse are eligible to apply.

The maximum funding amount is €10,000.

Mittelstand innovative and digital (MID)-Digitalization

Logo of Mittelstand Innovativ & Digital North Rhine-Westphalia
info icon Hesse
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of Hessen coloured in cyan
MID digitization promotes digitization projects in these key areas:
  • Digital products and services and
  • Digital processes.

SMEs are eligible to apply.

The maximum funding amount is up to €15,000.

BITT technology consulting

Logo of the Investitions- und Strukturbank Rheinland-Pfalz
info icon Rheinland-Pfalz
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of Rheinland-Pfalz coloured in cyan

The funding program BITT-Technology consulting supports companies with grants for consulting costs in the areas of technology-oriented consulting, assessments, QMS and database searches, among others.

SMEs are eligible to apply.

The grant amounts to a maximum of €500 per day. One working day comprises at least 8 consulting hours (including preparation, follow-up, reporting and travel time). A maximum of 15 working days per company within 3 fiscal years are subsidized.

DigiRess II

Logo of digital resource efficiency
info icon North Rhine-Westphalia
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia coloured in cyan
DigiRess II provides funding in three key areas:
  • Digital optimization of production processes,
  • Digital optimization of product design,
  • and digital business models for resource-efficient and circular value creation.

Micro-enterprises and SMEs are eligible to apply.

The funds applied for must amount to at least €100,000, but may not exceed €1 million.

Advisory assistance program for companies

Coat of arms of Saxony-Anhalt
info icon Saxony-Anhalt
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt coloured in cyan

The advisory assistance programme is aimed at specific advice on business, financial, personnel, technical and organizational management problems.

SMEs and freelancers are eligible to apply.

The eligible consultancy fee is limited to a maximum of €12,000.

SME guideline - business consulting/coaching

Logo of the sächsische Aufbaubank
info icon Saxony
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of Saxony coloured in cyan

The SaxonSME guideline helps companies with grants for business consulting and coaching, including in the area of digitalization.

SMEs and members of the liberal professions are eligible to apply.

Funding is provided for up to 50% of eligible expenditure when using a quality assurance system and up to 40% of eligible expenditure in the direct procedure.

Thüringen digital bonus

Logo of the Thüringer Aufbaubank
info icon Thüringen
info icon Status: 06/2024
Map of Germany with the federal state of Thüringen coloured in cyan
The Thüringen Digitalbonus supports expenditure on services from external providers for digitization projects with a significant progress in digitization in the following areas
  • Digitization of operational processes, digitization of products and services,
  • as well as the introduction or improvement of information and data security solutions.

SMEs are eligible to apply.

A grant of up to 50% of the eligible expenditure, up to a maximum of €15,000, is possible.

Take advantage of your opportunities for subsidized digitization!

Contact us today and let's talk about the various funding options for your digital project.

Feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.
