▷ Digitalization Consultation for your E-Business | elio GmbH
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The course of your digital transformation is influenced by a number of factors. In particular, incorrect or inadequate planning can result in unnecessary costs and resource expenditure and jeopardize the efficiency or even the success of your project. With elio's consulting, your project will get on the right track.

With the right recommendations to digital success.

Regardless of where you are with your digital project and whether you want holistic or just specific advice on a particular topic: With elio you have found the right partner.

We know the answer to typical questions and are able to find a suitable solution for your individual requirements. If you wish, we can also become operationally active.

Our consulting services range from comprehensive technical advice on the selection and implementation of suitable technologies as well as complete technical analysis and advice on your existing platform to the planning of user-friendly designs and target group-oriented online marketing measures. We can also assist you with legal issues.

Technical advice.

The basis of our technical advice is first an analysis of your circumstances and requirements. In doing so, we deal with your complete system architecture, connections architecture, connections, interfaces, plug-ins and processes. In the course of this, we also pay special attention to digitalisation and automation and automation potentials as well as the analysis of performance.

New platform

Are you planning to realise a new digital project such as a marketplace or an online shop?

Platform expansion

You already have a platform and are at a loss when it comes to implementing a particular project, e.g. the connection of an enterprise resource planning system, the integration of a payment service provider or a new desired function?

Platform optimisation

You have technical problems or are unhappy with the performance of your platform?

Whatever your case may be. At elio you will find the answers you are looking for.

Technical advice - F.A.Q.

In more than 20 years, we have dealt with countless problems in the field of e-business that you may also encounter at this stage of your digital project and for which we can show you the best approach for you. You will find an excerpt of typical questions on specific topics below:

  • We do not have good filters in our shop and would like to structure our data better. How can we proceed in a targeted manner here?
  • Our product data is maintained differently for each product group. How can we fix this?
  • Different manufacturers use different terms for the same product data. How can we normalise these?
  • Our data is not fully maintained, which means that we receive more returns, among other things. How can we improve the quality and maintenance of our data?
  • Our data is maintained in different systems. How can we achieve a uniform database?
  • What is the most efficient way to keep our product data up-to-date?
  • We want to categorise our products and standardise the properties per group. What is the best way to do this?
  • For cross-selling or upselling, replacement items or follow-up items, we would like to establish relationships between products. What is the best way to do this?
  • We would like to have products checked by a second instance before they are placed in our shop. How can we automate this control mechanism?
  • We offer our products in several languages and would like to make the translation work easier. What are the possibilities here?

  • We have only PayPal and cash on delivery in the shop and would like to integrate other payment methods. Which provider suits us best?
  • We use a payment service provider (PSP). Can we continue to use this when we change the shop system?
  • We are not allowed to store credit card details in our shop. What options do we have?
  • We would like to integrate a credit check in our shop. What options do we have?

  • We have an inventory management system that is no longer sufficient for us. Which system can be connected well with our shop system so that we can work more efficiently?
  • Our ERP system is self-programmed. What is the best way to exchange data between the shop system and the ERP system?
  • A standard plug-in only offers us the possibility to transport orders from the shop to the ERP. How can we synchronise other data that is necessary for us?
  • Is it possible to map fields created especially for us from the merchandise management system in the shop?
  • We have read that you have experience with connecting Comarch, xentral, Sage100, WeClapp, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics and some others. Are there systems that cannot be connected?

  • We not only have pictures that we would like to show on the article, but also other files such as PDFs. How do I get such information into the shop?
  • How would you map safety data sheets that come from a DAM in a shop?
  • We often create new versions of our item images. Is it possible to ensure that the latest image is always displayed in the shop?
  • What do you recommend for article images that contain text in the image and are to be used in multiple languages?
  • We invest a lot of money in image generation. Can we prevent competitors from using our images in your shop?

  • We can't link requests from customers to orders. Are there any programmes that can help us with this?
  • Our marketing department would like to set up automations in customer care. Can we also use shop information?
  • Can you connect other CRM systems besides Hubspot, Salesforce or Pipedrive?

  • We would like to add more languages to our shop. How can we translate our content as quickly and correctly as possible?
  • We already have a translation memory system (TMS) in use. Can we connect this directly to the shop or do we have to import the data into a PIM system first?
  • We use the TBX format. Do you have any experience with it?

  • We currently have no overview of what is happening in our shop. Are there statistics on visitors, clicks, purchases, abandoned purchases, etc.?
  • What do you suggest if we do not want to use Google Analytics for DSGVO reasons?
  • We would like to implement more than just the standard integration of GA4 in our shop. Can you support us with the integration of the Google Tag Manager (GTM)?

  • We would like to offer function XY in our shop. How do we go about this in a cost-efficient way?
  • We would like to integrate a new function in our shop. Which solution is best for us?
  • We would like to digitise and automate various processes. How do we go about it?
  • Is there a plugin for function XY?
  • We would like to have the technical implementation of our Shopware project checked. Can we have an objective expert opinion drawn up?
  • Everyone is talking about hosting in the cloud. What is it all about and is it right for us?

Advice on design and marketing.

In addition to the technical aspects of your digital platform, there are other relevant aspects, such as design and marketing, that are crucial for your digital presence. that are crucial for your digital presence. Here, too, we are in an excellent position and are at your side with our advice - and, if necessary, also operationally. - at your side.


In the area of design, we assess the overall impression of your platform with a focus on usability and user experience (UX/UI).


In the area of marketing, we get an impression of your current and potential online marketing channels with a focus on SEO, SEA and social media. media.

Design and Marketing Consultancy - F.A.Q.

We also know the answers to typical challenges in the areas of UX/UI and online marketing. Discover classic questions below for which elio has the right answer:

  • We would like our shop to have a new look. What can we do and what do we have to consider for a redesign?
  • Which components are crucial for a good user experience?
  • How do we best approach the rebranding of our brand? What do we need to consider?
  • We lose our customers at certain touchpoints. What are we doing wrong there?

  • Our shop has too few visitors. What can we do to increase the traffic?
  • We would like to improve our ranking on Google and rank higher in the search results for certain terms? How do we do that?
  • We would like to carry out targeted advertising campaigns. How can we do this most efficiently?
  • Our current advertising campaigns are not having the desired effect. What can we change to perform better here?
  • Which social media platforms are relevant for our business?
  • How do we find out which platforms our target group uses?
  • How many posts do we have to publish in a week?
  • How much budget do I need for paid ads?
Zwei Personen an einem Schreibtisch lesen in einem Buch und Visualisierung von digitalen Inhalten mit juristischem Bezug

Legal advice.

You have commissioned an agency or another external service provider to implement a digital project and have encountered various complications in the course of the collaboration? Lack of know-how, lack of communication, schedules that are not adhered to... the list of possible difficulties that prevent the project from progressing optimally is long. We are happy to help you bring your project to a successful conclusion after all. While in the technical area you can rely on our project support or a complete project takeover, we also support you in the legal area in cooperation with the law firm ToprakHeßler in the form of legal advice. Together with our partner, we have already been able to rescue several projects in the past and bring them to a flawless conclusion not only from a technical but also from an economic point of view.

Person vor Laptop und Visualisierung von digitalen Inhalten mit gutachterlichem Bezug

Special service: Technical report

As a special service, we also offer an independent technical appraisal for legal matters. If you are dissatisfied or unsure about the services and the associated effort of the agency you have engaged, we will provide you with a neutral and objective evaluation of your project and, if required, also give advice on possible optimisation potential.

Feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.


Your contact person.

Do you have questions about our counselling services or about elio in general? Contact Yvonne Thometschek. She will be happy to help you.

Yvonne Thometschek +49 (0)6403 - 7794 - 0