▷ SEA Agency | We are your SEA experts
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Search Engine Advertising.

Get more visibility for your website through paid ads.

What is SEA?

As a subcategory of search engine marketing (SEM), SEA is, along with SEO, the most important method for making websites visible to potential customers via search engines.

SEA is the abbreviation for "Search Engine Advertising" and means "search engine advertising" in German. As the name implies, it is about placing advertisements in the entire advertising network of search engines. The display of the advertisements is mainly triggered by the entry of previously defined keywords. In the search network, for example, suitable advertisements are displayed by starting a certain search query.

Screenshot of a SERP with different ads

Which targets has SEA?

While search engine optimisation pursues the goal of more visibility via a good search engine ranking in the organic search results, search engine advertising strives for a good ranking in the paid search results and tends to be designed for short-term success.

SEA also aims to generate increased traffic with all its positive consequences on the corresponding target page. In addition, search engine advertising is also excellently suited to play out special campaigns, e.g. for special or new products, and to attract attention for them. SEA is a powerful marketing tool, especially for the quick acquisition of new customers.

How does SEA work?

The placement of advertisements on Google is done through the Google Ads advertising platform. There, campaigns can be created that consist of several ad groups and in turn several ads and are individually aligned to desired goals and target groups. The control of the ads in the Google advertising network is influenced by the keywords entered, i.e. potential search terms, as well as other target group settings.

In the search network, a kind of auction of all advertisers who have booked an ad for the searched keyword is started with every search query. The position of the ads is influenced by several factors, including the maximum bid, i.e. the price an advertiser is willing to pay for his ad to be clicked. In addition, ad quality and ad relevance also play a decisive role.

Smartphone mit Google Ads Logo und Laptop im Hintergrund

What our customers can expect from us in the field of SEA.

Due to its global popularity and use, our SEA offer refers to the Google search engine network.

Regardless of whether you are already running ads or have no experience at all in this area: Depending on your individual requirements, as a Google partner we will find the optimal Google Ads strategy for you.

In addition to an intensive analysis of your digital platform and subsequent strategy planning including initial implementation, we can also provide you with full support in the ongoing management of your advertisements.

Google Ads-Starter package

In cooperation with you, we analyse the status quo and develop a strategy based on your goals, including campaign structure, keyword research and budget planning. Afterwards, you can decide whether you would like to implement the strategy and provide ongoing support for your Google Ads account yourself or hand it over to us.

Google Ads-Support package

Building on the services of the starter package, we take over the implementation of the strategy as well as the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of your Google Ads account. Through continuous monitoring, we observe the development of relevant KPIs, make adjustments where necessary and optimally implement new campaigns for you. With regular reports, we always keep you up to date on the performance of your ads and work out further measures together.

We offer you our support packages in different hourly quotas, which you can expand or extend at any time.

Feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.


Please also have a look at the following areas SEO and Social Media to discover our entire portfolio in the field of Online-Marketing.

Your Contact Person.

Do you have questions about search engine advertising with Google Ads or about elio in general? Get in touch with Johannes Dobhan. He will be happy to help you.

Johannes Dobhan +49 (0)6403 - 7794 - 0